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What is NAD+ And Can it Really ‘Reverse’ Aging?

It’s the magic little coenzyme which keeps our bodies ticking over. Here’s how NAD+ works and why so many people see it as a way to fight aging.

As the antiaging market has picked up pace over recent years, scientists have been searching for any compounds that can slow or even reverse the effects of aging. Often their solutions lie in finding elements that change as we age, and one of the most important of these has been NAD+. This has been featured in a growing number of anti-aging supplements that seek to improve longevity – but once you scrape beneath the hype is there anything to really get excited about? Here is what NAD+ is, how it works and why it’s so important to your body and your health.

What is NAD+?

As we age, our body loses some substances and molecules which can be important in keeping us young. One of these is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, better known as NAD+.

Scientists first cottoned onto the existence of NAD+ back in 1906. Since then, our understanding of it has steadily expanded. It’s been found hard at work in the cells of humans, animals, plants and even yeast keeping everything ticking along nicely.

NAD+ is a crucial coenzyme which can be found in every cell in your body. It serves two main functions – to turn nutrients into energy and it is an important player in the metabolic process, serving as a friendly little helper in regulating other cellular functions.

It effectively works like a little transporter moving electrons from one molecule to another to carry out all sorts of reactions and processes. Alongside another molecule, NADH, it takes part in a number of reactions which generate energy within our cells. It also helps to regulate our circadian rhythm that manages our sleep/wake cycle.

It was first discovered in 1906 by Harden and Young as a component to enhance the rate of alcohol fermentation in yeast extracts. Since then, our understanding has expanded dramatically, and it has been used to combat a number of diseases.




Why is NAD+ important

NAD+ is an enabler, or a fuel, for other molecules which help the body to perform at its best. When levels decrease, the activities of any NAD (H) dependant enzymes in oxidative phosphorylation, TCA cycle, and glycolysis are hindered.

This results in lower ATP production. It can also affect levels of PARP and sirtuins and lead to the inactivation of certain downstream molecular pathways which play a role in the repair of DNA.

In other words, without it our body does not function as well as it could, is less effective at repairing itself and leads to a slower metabolic rate. Without NAD+ acting as an important little taxi, your cells will generate less of the energy the body needs to survive and carry out its functions.

The importance of NAD+, therefore, stems not from any magical ingredient, but its ability to help other beneficial molecules do their jobs. If we were looking at the body as a soccer team, NAD+ would be the central midfielder, making the tackles and providing the possession which helps the strikers put the ball in the net.

It’s not flashy, it’s not showy but without it, the entire operation falls apart. Those molecules which are crucial to repairing cells, improving our metabolism and regulating biological functions. Without it we can experience a number of health problems. 



Mental benefits of NAD+ therapy

One of the characteristic signs of aging is loss of cognitive function. You tend to forget things, have trouble concentrating, and feel like your brain is cloudy or foggy. NAD therapy replaces the coenzyme needed to slow or stop the progression of this decline. You’ll have:

  • Increased mental clarity
  • Better memory
  • High concentration
  • Improved moods
  • Better problem-solving skills

The boost in brain function you get from NAD therapy can even help you battle chronic mental struggles like depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.

Physical benefits of NAD+ therapy

NAD is sometimes called a “helper molecule” because it binds with other enzymes and helps them do their job better. What happens in your cells makes a huge difference in how you look and feel. The list of physical benefits from NAD therapy is long, and any one of these improvements can change your life for the better.

  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Boosts energy
  • Increases metabolism
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Speeds recovery from injury
  • Decreases pain
  • Sharpens eyesight
  • Improves hearing
  • Diminishes cravings for harmful substances
  • Mitigates withdrawal symptoms
  • Assists weight loss
  • Protects nerves
  • Slows the aging process

Clearly, the benefits of NAD therapy stand to dramatically improve your overall health and well-being, and even improve the symptoms of some serious illnesses. 

Studies show that NAD therapy can mitigate the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Although the exact cause of Alzheimer’s disease remains a mystery, we do know that it involves cell death and mitochondrial dysfunction, both of which NAD addresses. Furthermore, NAD’s neuroprotective properties may help prevent this damage in the first place.






Post time: Sep-21-2023